
Yang Kuang

Associate professor at GDUT

Short biography

Yang Kuang is an associate professor in School of Mathematics and Statistics at Guangdong University of Technology focusing on numerical methods for density functional theory and complex Langevin method in quantum chromodynamics. Prior to this, he was a Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics working with Prof. Zhenning Cai at National University of Sinapore. He finished his PhD at University of Macau under the supervison of Prof. Guanghui Hu.


  1. High-order numerical methods in density functional theory from NSFC数学天元数学访问学者项目 (2024.1-2024.12).

  2. 多套网格自适应有限元方法在电子结构计算中的应用 from 南京航空航天大学“飞行器数学建模与高性能计算”工信部重点实验室 (2024.1-2025.12).

  3. Orthogonalization-free methods and adaptive methods in electronic structure calculations from NSFC青年科学基金项目 (2023.1-2025.12).

  4. Kohn-Sham密度泛函理论中的免正交化方法 from 广州市科学技术局 (2023.4-2025.3).

  5. Startup fund from GDUT (2022.1-2026.12).


  1. Prof. Guanghui Hu (Density functional theory, Department of Mathematics, University of Macau).

  2. Prof. Zhenning Cai (complex Langevin method, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore).

  3. Prof. Bin Gao (Riemannian Optimization, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)).

  4. Prof. Xin Liu (Numerical methods for optimization problems, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)).

  5. Dr. Yedan Shen (Density functional theory, Guangzhou University).