Welcome to my personal homepage! I am currently working as an associate professor in School of Mathematics and Statistics of Guangdong University of Techonology. My focus is on numerical methods for the Kohn–Sham equation and complex Langevin methods in quantum chromodynamics.

In the area of the Kohn-Sham equation, I am working on several aspects, including the design adaptive methods and high order methods for discretization, the development of orthogonality-free methods for the discretized problem, and the generation of quality initial guesses to reduce divergence issues related to nonlinearity.

Regarding complex Langevin methods in quantum chromodynamics, I has shown interest in the development of stabilization techniques. These approaches aim to prevent divergence and converge to the correct results obtained through these methods.

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10.18-10.20, 2024


10.25-10.28, 2024

中国工业与应用数学学会第二十二届年会(CSIAM 2024)

10.28-10.31, 2024

南京航空航天大学, 江苏南京